Apartment at Kochi for sale |
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Is it worth buying an apartment in Kochi, Kerala?
Indeed, it is worth buying an apartment
in Kochi. There are many reasons.
First of all, Kochi is a major
Metropolitan City in India. Moreover, Kerala is a beautiful state full of
greenery and with all four seasons as well.
What is Kerala's literacy Rate?
The top reason to choose Kochi as a home town is that Kerala stands for the top literacy rate in India. which stands above 96.2%. As per the 2011 census, 96.11 per cent of males and 92.07 females were literate in Kerala.
While thinking about investing in
properties in Kerala, there is no doubt that Kochi is the perfect place to
Is the flat price in Kochi increasing?
The prices in Kochi flats are
shooting up at an average of 30 to 35 per cent per year.
dining area |
home theatre |
living area |
master bedroom |
Like to know more details? Follow on https://www.samsproperties.com/property/kochi-apartment-sale-3-bedrooms-at-kaloor/
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